Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Your Client Attraction Secret: Speaking!

How you can create comfortable and interactive speaking engagements that attract clients!

By Chris Makell

I won’t go into all of the strategies and facts on speaking and how it’s the thing people least like to do even more than dying. Or, how it’s just too hard and nerve racking to do. You’ve heard it all.

I will say that how you approach speaking will either make this true for you or not. I have spent many years in corporate, delivering presentations to as few as one senior vice president to a group of 50+. No matter how well I knew every word and bullet on my transparency, or foil (remember those?), slide or PowerPoint, it was not always an easy thing to do. I was nervous, every time. Because this was something I wanted to be better at, I’ve taken fabulous presentation courses and improved my delivery as a result. It’s created more confidence and less nervousness.

Now that I’m leading my own business, speaking for me is, very, very different. No longer do I need to convince someone that I know what I’m talking about and that my recommendations will help them have better results. I have the opportunity to take a much different approach. And I guarantee you that if you add these simple strategies to your speaking toolkit, you’ll achieve the client attraction success I have experienced.

Strategy #1: Approach the presentation with a desire to share your knowledge

Ever wonder why teachers don’t get nervous each day in front of the classroom. I’m sure some do that first day… Though I don’t know this for a fact, I do know that having a desire to help others learn can erase that nervousness and give you the passionate energy that all great speakers thrive on. When you’re putting together your presentation, ask yourself what am I teaching my audience? How can I help them achieve success from what I’m about to share? Just using this approach will shape the tone and texture of your presentation and build your passionate (not nervous) energy!

Strategy #2: Select a topic that will be of interest to your specific audience

So that means you can’t use a “canned” presentation. You have to demonstrate your ability to connect with an audience where they are. As a result they’ll see that you are able to address their specific client challenges.

Strategy #3: Put your audience to work!

Use handouts that keep them on track with your presentation and that requires them to take notes so that they are active and learning during your presentation. Ask your audience what they got from the presentation at the end, to deepen the learning and keep them connected to you.

Strategy #4: Create a way to “stay connected”

Bring your business cards, sign up sheet for your newsletter, brochure, announcement of an upcoming event you’re hosting, etc. Give the audience a way to stay connected to you after your fabulous presentation!

Using these simple strategies will make you and your business more “client attractive”. And you’ll get an incredible rush from sharing your knowledge, expertise and passionate energy!

Break a leg and get a client!

Chris Makell helps coaches, consultants, and other solopreneurs who want to live their life's purpose transition smoothly from unfulfilled full-time employees to successful full-time entrepreneurs. To learn how to make more money doing what you love, visit to claim your free special report, "7 Surefire Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Time and Marketing Dollar."

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