Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Believing And Achieving

Bet you that you've never realized that you are achieving what you believe in right here, right now! Our subconscious mind, where we store our beliefs, dictates our behaviour and creates our lives. Problm is that normal people live down to normal expectations. You've got to change your beliefs, to impress your subconscious mind with the belief of what you really want out of life. After that your subconscious mind will simply bring it about.

By Willie Horton
Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

How would you feel about the proposition that you can achieve anything - absolutely anything - in which you can believe?  Well, whether you realize it or not, that’s what you’re actually doing at the moment - you’re living the life that you believe you can live.  Years of research in various fields of psychology lead to the inexorable conclusion that normal people perceive only what they expect to perceive and experience only what they expect to experience.  This psychological fact present us with a major stumbling block because, unfortunately, as a result of our socialisation into a normal world and upbringing by normal parents, we have normal expectations and these normal expectations are way short of where we could set our sights.  In other words, at this very moment in time, you are living down to your expectations - and you’re not even aware of it.

Psychology also explains that our lives are created by our subconscious mind’s view of the world.  We learn our perceptions of how the world works, who we are, what we’re capable and incapable of, our strengths and weaknesses, in short, our own self image during our formative years.  These perceptions, which over time gradually become deeply held beliefs, are stored in the deep recesses of our subconscious mind and, in later life, when faced with a situation in which we have to take action, our actions will be dictated not be what is actually happening but by what we perceive is happening based on those subconscious beliefs.  In this way, we constantly replay the repetitive behaviours that we learned during our formative years and stop ourselves in our tracks.  Worse that that, we are unable to spot opportunity when it stares them us the face, because it’s not something that we are expecting and, therefore, we are simply unable to see it.

The result of all this is that our subconscious perceptions, learned during our childhood, are our beliefs.  These drive our expectations and our behaviour and, in this way, our beliefs create our lives.  Or, put another way, we achieve what we believe.  The obvious corollary of this is that, if we change our beliefs, we will live a completely different life.

Effectively, you have to give yourself new beliefs - these new beliefs should, quite obviously, focus on the things that you really, really want out of life - not the mundane in which you currently believe by default.  You have to be able to make a big enough impression on your subconscious mind to enable it focus on what you want to achieve to the extent that it believes that it is part and parcel of who you are and what you’re capable of.  If you can make that impression on your subconscious mind, it will simply see the life that you really want and the things that you really want to achieve as the logical step up from your current life.

So, what does it take to believe?  Believing is not wishing hoping and wanting - these aspirations mean absolutely nothing to a subconscious mind that is driven by its inner programming.  Rather, believing is seeing, feeling, hearing smelling and tasting.  Yes, that’s right - your five senses, which are your sole interface with the world, are the mechanisms by which the subconscious mind creates your life.  They are the very ingredients that you used to form your views of how the world works, life in general and your own self-image, during your formative years.  As adults, we pay little or no attention to our five senses, preferring to use what we learned during our childhood to make sense of today - and, in the process, make a complete nonsense of it!

To change your life, you really only have to take some simple steps to provide your subconscious mind with a new belief system.  To do this, you’ve got to explain to your subconscious mind what it would be like to achieve your goal.  You’ve got to explain to it what It is like to see, feel, hear, smell and taste the life that you really want - as if you already have it.  Nothing could be simpler, nothing could be more powerful.  You’ve got to immerse yourself in your desired outcome, imagining that you have arrived at that outcome already.  But the subconscious mind - as distinct from your conscious, thinking mind - has to take it on board, it has to be deeply impressed and excited by your desired outcome.  You can make the necessary impression on your subconscious mind by handwriting the experience of the outcome, as if you’re there already, using all five senses, writing only in the present tense - because you’re already there!  The hand-eye coordination that handwriting requires captures an abnormal amount of your subconscious attention - you become ‘young and impressionable’ when you handwrite.

But, something this powerful comes with a very large Government Health Warning!  You need to be careful what you wish for, because a focused subconscious will effortlessly set about its task of bringing about what it believes to be the life that you live - after all, that’s what its’ doing already.

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