To be competitive, many companies are already utilizing their workforce to the maximum levels. This stream of constant manufacturing leaves little area for expansion and injects fatigue over the workforce. In an effort to increase manufacturing, a company can outsource portions of the needed work or tasks to a smaller more focused group of individuals who can provide an accurate and easier outcome.
By Steve Duval
The concept of outsourcing has erupted in popularity in the 21st century. Many corporations and small businesses reap the advantages of outsourcing their manufacturing or production needs to maintain their competitive edge. As employment in many countries contracts, there are people who look at the benefits of outsourcing as damaging to an economy.
The main argument is reducing the labor costs involved in producing goods or services. On the surface, American employees view outsourcing as a threat to their own jobs. However, this argument is easily overshadowed by the many benefits of outsourcing in today’s economy.
1. Increased Manufacturing
To be competitive, many companies are already utilizing their workforce to the maximum levels. This stream of constant manufacturing leaves little area for expansion and injects fatigue over the workforce. In an effort to increase manufacturing, a company can outsource portions of the needed work or tasks to a smaller more focused group of individuals who can provide an accurate and easier outcome.
2. Continued Innovation
Many businesses focus too much on the task at hand rather than updating their information or procedures. Technology constantly expands and is perfected in other areas of the world. Companies can become more innovative and learn new techniques for improving their tasks and output from new specialists acquired by outsourcing.
3. Focused Control
Fewer employees is not a bad thing. In fact, it is easier to focus on each section of the process, because there are less chances of failure or defects. Many companies must wade through a tangled area of management to solve even simple problems. Having a higher degree of focus can increase production, marketing and profits.
4. Low Expansion Costs
No construction or building contracts are required. There is no need to hire a new department or setup expensive equipment. A company can save thousands of dollars by expanding into outsourcing.
5. Lower Costs; Higher Profits
Companies can benefit from workers who live in under developed economies. If manufacturing costs are reduced, companies will receive higher profits. A benefit to this method is the range of highly skilled workers in other areas of the world who are available for immediate work.
6. Fast Turnaround and Reduced Risk
Due to time zone differences throughout the world, work can still be completed when your company is closed for the day. This method consistently increases output and achieves a faster turnaround. The specialization of a diverse workforce can improve manufacturing, company culture and business relationships. The risks are extremely reduced when work is outsourced. Projects can be started immediately without the need for training new employees or negotiating expert salaries.
7. Lower Consumer Cost
Consumers will benefit from this method of manufacturing and production. Typically, when a company can lower it’s cost to produce goods or services the cost savings are passed directly to the consumer. This provides an increase in sales for the company and a lower cost for consumers in and out of an economic downturn.
In conclusion, outsourcing is a fantastic way for any business to compete in the global future.
Steve Duval is an internet entrepreneur who is showing others the many ways of making money online today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to earn money online
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Is Your Business At The Bottom Of Your To-Do-List?
Solo professionals fail in business because of one of three things. The first is lack of clarity and focus about what they do, how it benefits others, and how much time they must invest to create a business that both serves others and makes a profit. In this article, Sue discusses what happens when your business is at the bottom of your to-do list.
By Sue Painter
If you are a female solo professional, chances are that your business is not making as much money as you’d like it to. Perhaps when you got the thought to go out on your own you held a vision of more flexibility, a freer schedule, and making at least as much money as you were making working for someone else. Perhaps you even secretly thought that you had the chance to make it big, pulling in much more money, paying off your mortgage, easily paying for a child’s college education.
Let me ask you.....where is your business now, compared to that vision? Where is it compared to your secret thought? Have you given up on that dream?
I read a story about makeovers in a recent edition of O magazine that made me think about how women so often put their business at the bottom of their to-do list. We do it to ourselves and our businesses, actually. We think we’re being unselfish and giving, taking care of others before ourselves. But are we, really? Listen to one comment from the O makeover article:
“With the new looks came a new attitude. What a makeover does for all of us is point out that there are BIG possibilities for us all. Maybe we’ll get the idea that from a makeover, we can take another step toward change in other areas of our lives.”
Lack of attention to one’s self is no way to teach our children to stand up and be counted, is it? Making sure that everyone else has new clothes while we schlep around in last year’s sweats only makes us both look and feel at the bottom of the barrel. Paying for private lessons for our children while refusing to spend the money to take a workshop for ourselves sells ourselves and our business short.
Think about it. If you fail to give yourself and your business the nurturing you both deserve, you send a silent message that you are not worth your own time and care, and that your business isn’t important enough to make a difference in anyone’s life. Is that the truth? I doubt it. But you are showing how little you believe you can make it really big when you continue to play safe and small. You are refusing to serve others with your business, in a way that only you can uniquely serve.
When you really tune in to your old business vision what does it look like? Have you lost your early enthusiasm? How can you get it back? And if you did, how much cleaner and better would you see the way to that secret vision you have? How much more freedom would you have to be with your friends and family? How much less worry over financial matters would you have? What kind of example would you set for family and friends and other entrepreneurs if you kick-started your business again and made it provide for you at a high level? It would be a powerful message, wouldn’t it?
That’s just not going to happen if you take care of everyone else’s current needs first. Take care of yourself and your business, so that you have the wealth needed to take care of those you love. You aren’t here to serve your family and friends everything on a platter. In fact, if you do, they will learn directly from you to lean on others rather than themselves. Is that what you want?
I heard a quote last week that really made me stop and think. “A strong focus now creates a different future later.” How do you focus now on your business, so that you can have that different future? Here are three ways:
* Change your lifestyle and your schedule around so that you are spending at least two hours every single day building your business. No excuses. You are in business for yourself, right? Two hours a day is a bare minimum. Otherwise, your business is nothing more than a hobby. You can work part time, but you can’t work no time. Two hours, minimum, every day.
* Create a calendar for the entire year. Plan in your vacation weeks, at least three long weekend retreat times for yourself to focus solely on your business, and time for learning what you don’t know but need to know in order to build your income. If you are running out of hours in the week, get help for the low-level stuff and keep your eye on the stuff that creates future income.
* Get a mentor or a coach. Virtually every single wealthy business owner works with someone who can pull them out of the weeds when they need it, give them perspective, and save them a lot of time in mastering new tasks. No excuses. Don’t tell yourself you can’t afford it, tell yourself the cost of doing without is much higher than what you’ll pay. Think return on investment, not cost. That’s how a business owner thinks, after all. Are you one, or not?
Sue Painter is a marketing therapist whose expertise is finding the dark and murky under-places that keep your business from succeeding. She develops business plans that work, and strategic marketing plans that take dead aim at your target market. You can subscribe to her Marketing Tips e-zine at .
By Sue Painter
If you are a female solo professional, chances are that your business is not making as much money as you’d like it to. Perhaps when you got the thought to go out on your own you held a vision of more flexibility, a freer schedule, and making at least as much money as you were making working for someone else. Perhaps you even secretly thought that you had the chance to make it big, pulling in much more money, paying off your mortgage, easily paying for a child’s college education.
Let me ask you.....where is your business now, compared to that vision? Where is it compared to your secret thought? Have you given up on that dream?
I read a story about makeovers in a recent edition of O magazine that made me think about how women so often put their business at the bottom of their to-do list. We do it to ourselves and our businesses, actually. We think we’re being unselfish and giving, taking care of others before ourselves. But are we, really? Listen to one comment from the O makeover article:
“With the new looks came a new attitude. What a makeover does for all of us is point out that there are BIG possibilities for us all. Maybe we’ll get the idea that from a makeover, we can take another step toward change in other areas of our lives.”
Lack of attention to one’s self is no way to teach our children to stand up and be counted, is it? Making sure that everyone else has new clothes while we schlep around in last year’s sweats only makes us both look and feel at the bottom of the barrel. Paying for private lessons for our children while refusing to spend the money to take a workshop for ourselves sells ourselves and our business short.
Think about it. If you fail to give yourself and your business the nurturing you both deserve, you send a silent message that you are not worth your own time and care, and that your business isn’t important enough to make a difference in anyone’s life. Is that the truth? I doubt it. But you are showing how little you believe you can make it really big when you continue to play safe and small. You are refusing to serve others with your business, in a way that only you can uniquely serve.
When you really tune in to your old business vision what does it look like? Have you lost your early enthusiasm? How can you get it back? And if you did, how much cleaner and better would you see the way to that secret vision you have? How much more freedom would you have to be with your friends and family? How much less worry over financial matters would you have? What kind of example would you set for family and friends and other entrepreneurs if you kick-started your business again and made it provide for you at a high level? It would be a powerful message, wouldn’t it?
That’s just not going to happen if you take care of everyone else’s current needs first. Take care of yourself and your business, so that you have the wealth needed to take care of those you love. You aren’t here to serve your family and friends everything on a platter. In fact, if you do, they will learn directly from you to lean on others rather than themselves. Is that what you want?
I heard a quote last week that really made me stop and think. “A strong focus now creates a different future later.” How do you focus now on your business, so that you can have that different future? Here are three ways:
* Change your lifestyle and your schedule around so that you are spending at least two hours every single day building your business. No excuses. You are in business for yourself, right? Two hours a day is a bare minimum. Otherwise, your business is nothing more than a hobby. You can work part time, but you can’t work no time. Two hours, minimum, every day.
* Create a calendar for the entire year. Plan in your vacation weeks, at least three long weekend retreat times for yourself to focus solely on your business, and time for learning what you don’t know but need to know in order to build your income. If you are running out of hours in the week, get help for the low-level stuff and keep your eye on the stuff that creates future income.
* Get a mentor or a coach. Virtually every single wealthy business owner works with someone who can pull them out of the weeds when they need it, give them perspective, and save them a lot of time in mastering new tasks. No excuses. Don’t tell yourself you can’t afford it, tell yourself the cost of doing without is much higher than what you’ll pay. Think return on investment, not cost. That’s how a business owner thinks, after all. Are you one, or not?
Sue Painter is a marketing therapist whose expertise is finding the dark and murky under-places that keep your business from succeeding. She develops business plans that work, and strategic marketing plans that take dead aim at your target market. You can subscribe to her Marketing Tips e-zine at .
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Art Of Negotiating With Spiritual Wisdom
A psychiatrist discusses a way to negotiate with spiritual wisdom
By Dr Russell Razzaque
The British public are being treated to an entirely novel view this year; politicians talking to each other. Instead of exaggerating and emphasizing, through loud speakers, the differences between each other, they are actually sitting down and treating one another with mutual respect. Straight after the general election, the Conservative and Liberal Democratic parties started negotiating a compromise program. This form of negotiation is, as the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, himself acknowledged the morning after the election a scenario “unknown to this generation of political leaders”.
The result of the 2010 UK general election was a hung parliament. This means that no one party has an overall majority in parliament, which is something Britain is not used to. Unlike in continental Europe, where coalition governments are the norm because of their electoral system, the UK political system is almost entirely adversarial where one party usually holds all the power and the opposition has none and, as a result, vehement confrontation tends to be the order of the day. The weekly clash of Prime Ministers’ questions - the world’s first prime time reality TV show - is the most visible manifestation of this.
The sight of our politicians apparently growing up over night to engage in mature adult conversation with each other is truly refreshing and one that much of the public are reacting to favourably.
The impulse to descend back into the confrontational default is, however, never too far from the surface. After all ours is a system that goes back several hundred years. The key to success in this new form of adult politics, however, is almost a spiritual one; it’s all about honouring the tribal instinct within while at the same time remaining anchored to the calm centre that sits within us all.
This is where negotiation can indeed become a form of spiritual practise for anyone engaged in it - especially politicians. The fact is that there are two dimensions to all of our personalities; one part - whether we call it the ego, lower self or, as I prefer, the outer self - that wants drama, material reward, excitement, popularity and pleasure, and another part - our higher self as some refer to it, or inner self as I prefer - that is detached from the roller coaster of the outer realm and that is our core centre of peace, acceptance and stillness. We constantly bridge these two parts of our inner world - the part that wants change, and the part that is acceptance - and progress is only really possible when we are able to embrace both these contradictory elements of our inner world.
This is why, If the negotiator is able to simultaneously remain in touch with the side of his/her self that yearns for change and fast impatient action, as well as the deeper layer of the self that maintains an acceptance for all that is, genuine expansion can occur in both the outer and inner worlds. It is for this reason that all negotiated progress is incremental. Just as it should be.
This is what progressive political change is all about and it is a great relief that this time Britain’s politicians have been forced by the public to practise it.
Dr Russell Razzaque is a London based medical doctor & psychiatrist. If you liked this article you may benefit from his online self help program. Sileotherapy is a combination of internet therapy and self improvement.
By Dr Russell Razzaque
The British public are being treated to an entirely novel view this year; politicians talking to each other. Instead of exaggerating and emphasizing, through loud speakers, the differences between each other, they are actually sitting down and treating one another with mutual respect. Straight after the general election, the Conservative and Liberal Democratic parties started negotiating a compromise program. This form of negotiation is, as the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, himself acknowledged the morning after the election a scenario “unknown to this generation of political leaders”.
The result of the 2010 UK general election was a hung parliament. This means that no one party has an overall majority in parliament, which is something Britain is not used to. Unlike in continental Europe, where coalition governments are the norm because of their electoral system, the UK political system is almost entirely adversarial where one party usually holds all the power and the opposition has none and, as a result, vehement confrontation tends to be the order of the day. The weekly clash of Prime Ministers’ questions - the world’s first prime time reality TV show - is the most visible manifestation of this.
The sight of our politicians apparently growing up over night to engage in mature adult conversation with each other is truly refreshing and one that much of the public are reacting to favourably.
The impulse to descend back into the confrontational default is, however, never too far from the surface. After all ours is a system that goes back several hundred years. The key to success in this new form of adult politics, however, is almost a spiritual one; it’s all about honouring the tribal instinct within while at the same time remaining anchored to the calm centre that sits within us all.
This is where negotiation can indeed become a form of spiritual practise for anyone engaged in it - especially politicians. The fact is that there are two dimensions to all of our personalities; one part - whether we call it the ego, lower self or, as I prefer, the outer self - that wants drama, material reward, excitement, popularity and pleasure, and another part - our higher self as some refer to it, or inner self as I prefer - that is detached from the roller coaster of the outer realm and that is our core centre of peace, acceptance and stillness. We constantly bridge these two parts of our inner world - the part that wants change, and the part that is acceptance - and progress is only really possible when we are able to embrace both these contradictory elements of our inner world.
This is why, If the negotiator is able to simultaneously remain in touch with the side of his/her self that yearns for change and fast impatient action, as well as the deeper layer of the self that maintains an acceptance for all that is, genuine expansion can occur in both the outer and inner worlds. It is for this reason that all negotiated progress is incremental. Just as it should be.
This is what progressive political change is all about and it is a great relief that this time Britain’s politicians have been forced by the public to practise it.
Dr Russell Razzaque is a London based medical doctor & psychiatrist. If you liked this article you may benefit from his online self help program. Sileotherapy is a combination of internet therapy and self improvement.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Knowing The Difference Between Marketing and Advertising
Any online business will surely get a taste of success with the right Internet marketing and advertising tactics.
By Valerie Parson
Advertising and marketing are two different words with two different meanings, but more often than not, they are used interchangeably. For a person who has a limited background on Internet marketing or even on marketing alone, the two words can be connoted as one and may even be understood as two words with no difference at all. If you want your business to be on the right track, you need to differentiate one from the other.
What Is Advertising?
Advertising is a common yet effective way to market a particular product or service. It is one of the essential aspects of marketing wherein a sponsor pays the services of an advertising firm just to promote or popularize his product or service to reach as many target clients as possible. The advertisers simply endorse the product for mere purposes of endorsing the product and is no longer concerned of its outcome or if it would gain the intended sales and profit of the sponsor for as long as it was able to deliver its advertising job. Advertising can have the following medium:
* Direct mail
* Newspapers and broadsheets
* By using billboards
* Internet
* Radio
* Through the television
What Marketing Is
Marketing is looking at a particular business on a larger scale. Marketing largely focuses on strategies in making a particular business a successful one. It involves various aspects that operates independently but has to work together with the other marketing elements to achieve a wider and a much bigger goal. The usual marketing goal is to determine which product or services is suitable to particular target clients, what strategies can be effective, and how the company would develop and grow through these strategies. Some of the most essential elements of an effective marketing involve any of the following:
* Advertising
* Customer satisfaction support
* Sales strategies
* Product and service pricing
* Market research
* Economic analysis
* Distribution of products
* Public relations
* Involvement of community
* Media planning strategies
Applications of Marketing and Advertising
Marketing and advertising are both useful in making a particular business a hit among its intended clients and the public. In general, a business cannot, in one way or the other, survive without the two. By mere smiling or saying “good morning” to a customer is already a marketing strategy, while a mere mentioning of a product in a social gathering can be a form of advertising. In essence, marketing and advertising can be applied anywhere at any given time as long as there is a need to sell a product or patronize a service. One of the most in-demand forms of marketing nowadays is the so-called Internet marketing where all the benefits of Internet technology are applied to come up with an effective advertising and a successful marketing process. Some of the benefits of Internet marketing include the following:
* Provides immediate response for product concerns
* Fast exchange of communication between clients and service provider
* Convenient and hassle-free commercial transaction for both parties
* Inexpensive access to products
* It provides measurable outcomes and outputs.
* Traditional working hours are not followed.
If you plan to succeed in your online business, having a good grasp of Internet marketing and knowing the difference between advertising and marketing will give you a healthy jump-start. Know how your business can get ahead with the tough competition online.
By Valerie Parson
Advertising and marketing are two different words with two different meanings, but more often than not, they are used interchangeably. For a person who has a limited background on Internet marketing or even on marketing alone, the two words can be connoted as one and may even be understood as two words with no difference at all. If you want your business to be on the right track, you need to differentiate one from the other.
What Is Advertising?
Advertising is a common yet effective way to market a particular product or service. It is one of the essential aspects of marketing wherein a sponsor pays the services of an advertising firm just to promote or popularize his product or service to reach as many target clients as possible. The advertisers simply endorse the product for mere purposes of endorsing the product and is no longer concerned of its outcome or if it would gain the intended sales and profit of the sponsor for as long as it was able to deliver its advertising job. Advertising can have the following medium:
* Direct mail
* Newspapers and broadsheets
* By using billboards
* Internet
* Radio
* Through the television
What Marketing Is
Marketing is looking at a particular business on a larger scale. Marketing largely focuses on strategies in making a particular business a successful one. It involves various aspects that operates independently but has to work together with the other marketing elements to achieve a wider and a much bigger goal. The usual marketing goal is to determine which product or services is suitable to particular target clients, what strategies can be effective, and how the company would develop and grow through these strategies. Some of the most essential elements of an effective marketing involve any of the following:
* Advertising
* Customer satisfaction support
* Sales strategies
* Product and service pricing
* Market research
* Economic analysis
* Distribution of products
* Public relations
* Involvement of community
* Media planning strategies
Applications of Marketing and Advertising
Marketing and advertising are both useful in making a particular business a hit among its intended clients and the public. In general, a business cannot, in one way or the other, survive without the two. By mere smiling or saying “good morning” to a customer is already a marketing strategy, while a mere mentioning of a product in a social gathering can be a form of advertising. In essence, marketing and advertising can be applied anywhere at any given time as long as there is a need to sell a product or patronize a service. One of the most in-demand forms of marketing nowadays is the so-called Internet marketing where all the benefits of Internet technology are applied to come up with an effective advertising and a successful marketing process. Some of the benefits of Internet marketing include the following:
* Provides immediate response for product concerns
* Fast exchange of communication between clients and service provider
* Convenient and hassle-free commercial transaction for both parties
* Inexpensive access to products
* It provides measurable outcomes and outputs.
* Traditional working hours are not followed.
If you plan to succeed in your online business, having a good grasp of Internet marketing and knowing the difference between advertising and marketing will give you a healthy jump-start. Know how your business can get ahead with the tough competition online.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
10 Fatal Sales Networking Blunders That Cost You Money
Networking is a vital component of a successful career in sales. However, many people make networking mistakes that prevent them from achieving their desired results. Here are 10 sales networking mistakes you need to avoid.
By Kelley Robertson
Networking is a critical skill sales people; after all, the more people you connect with the more you sales opportunities you create. However, many sales people make a variety of mistakes that prevent them from maximizing the power of networking. Here are ten blunders and mistakes you need to avoid.
1. Attending the wrong networking events. When I first started my business I attended as many local networking events as I could fit into my schedule. However, I quickly noticed that I encountered the same people at these events—other small business owners out looking for business. These people were not my target market and very few of them interacted with the type of decision-maker I usually worked with so I realized that I was going to the wrong events. Get the most from your networking opportunities by showing up at events that your prospects attend.
2. Waiting for people to introduce themselves. Let’s face it; the vast majority of people are reluctant or hesitant to approach strangers. However, if you take the initiative to introduce yourself to others you will be perceived as a person of authority and power. Not to mention that the other person will be relieved that they didn’t have to make the first approach.
3. Spending too much time talking. One of the most fatal mistakes is to dominate the conversation. If you truly want to make a great impression, limit the amount you talk to no more than 40 percent of the airtime. Remember, networking events are not the appropriate setting to sell your solution. However, they are perfect situations to uncover potential sales opportunities.
4. Failing to ask other people questions. The most effective way to create a connection with someone is to ask them questions about their business and what they do. Ask them about the challenges they face and what they enjoy most about their work. High-value questions encourage people to share information and help you position yourself as an expert and a great networker.
5. Becoming distracted by other people. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who constantly watched the room instead of paying attention to what you were saying? If so, you likely felt ignored and unimportant. I also suspect that you would not refer business to that person. Don’t make the same mistake. Pay close attention to every person you meet and learn how you might be able to help them.
6. Focusing on your self-interest. This follows the last point. If you make the effort to find out how you can help someone else, the chances are they will reciprocate. In the words of motivational guru, Zig Ziglar, “You can anything you want in life if you just are willing to help enough other people get what they want.”
7. Failing to articulate your value proposition. I once spoke with a small business owner at a networking event and after a 20 minute conversation I still had no idea what she did because she was unable to clearly articulate the purpose of her company and her ideal client.
8. Failing to establish a connection. Effective networking means connecting with people. Although you will not connect with everyone you meet, you can improve your results by making great eye contact, smiling, asking questions, and showing interest in the other person.
9. Executing the “meet & move” strategy. We’ve all encountered the person at a networking event who introduces themselves, gives you their business card, asks for yours in return, and immediately moves on to repeat the process with another victim. You get much better results by connecting with a small number of people rather than trying to meet as many people as you can.
10. Failing to follow-up afterwards. Post-event follow-up is critical. However, don’t make the mistake of calling someone three months after a networking meeting and saying something like, “We met a few months ago and I thought I’d touch base with you.” This approach simply does not add any type of value to the relationship. Here two follow-up strategies to consider:
- When you meet a potential customer, arrange to contact them shortly after the event. Mark it in your calendar and make sure you contact them on the agreed-upon day and time.
- After you meet someone who is NOT a prospect, look for opportunities to refer business to them. You can also help them by sending articles or information related to their business.
Networking effectively can have a dramatic impact on your sales providing it is done correctly. Avoid these fatal networking mistakes and improve your results.
Get your FREE copy of 100 Ways to Increase Your Sales by subscribing to Kelley's free newsletter, "59 Seconds to Sales Success" at Kelley Robertson conducts sales training programs and speaks on sales at conferences and meetings. Contact him at 905-633-7750 or
By Kelley Robertson
Networking is a critical skill sales people; after all, the more people you connect with the more you sales opportunities you create. However, many sales people make a variety of mistakes that prevent them from maximizing the power of networking. Here are ten blunders and mistakes you need to avoid.
1. Attending the wrong networking events. When I first started my business I attended as many local networking events as I could fit into my schedule. However, I quickly noticed that I encountered the same people at these events—other small business owners out looking for business. These people were not my target market and very few of them interacted with the type of decision-maker I usually worked with so I realized that I was going to the wrong events. Get the most from your networking opportunities by showing up at events that your prospects attend.
2. Waiting for people to introduce themselves. Let’s face it; the vast majority of people are reluctant or hesitant to approach strangers. However, if you take the initiative to introduce yourself to others you will be perceived as a person of authority and power. Not to mention that the other person will be relieved that they didn’t have to make the first approach.
3. Spending too much time talking. One of the most fatal mistakes is to dominate the conversation. If you truly want to make a great impression, limit the amount you talk to no more than 40 percent of the airtime. Remember, networking events are not the appropriate setting to sell your solution. However, they are perfect situations to uncover potential sales opportunities.
4. Failing to ask other people questions. The most effective way to create a connection with someone is to ask them questions about their business and what they do. Ask them about the challenges they face and what they enjoy most about their work. High-value questions encourage people to share information and help you position yourself as an expert and a great networker.
5. Becoming distracted by other people. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who constantly watched the room instead of paying attention to what you were saying? If so, you likely felt ignored and unimportant. I also suspect that you would not refer business to that person. Don’t make the same mistake. Pay close attention to every person you meet and learn how you might be able to help them.
6. Focusing on your self-interest. This follows the last point. If you make the effort to find out how you can help someone else, the chances are they will reciprocate. In the words of motivational guru, Zig Ziglar, “You can anything you want in life if you just are willing to help enough other people get what they want.”
7. Failing to articulate your value proposition. I once spoke with a small business owner at a networking event and after a 20 minute conversation I still had no idea what she did because she was unable to clearly articulate the purpose of her company and her ideal client.
8. Failing to establish a connection. Effective networking means connecting with people. Although you will not connect with everyone you meet, you can improve your results by making great eye contact, smiling, asking questions, and showing interest in the other person.
9. Executing the “meet & move” strategy. We’ve all encountered the person at a networking event who introduces themselves, gives you their business card, asks for yours in return, and immediately moves on to repeat the process with another victim. You get much better results by connecting with a small number of people rather than trying to meet as many people as you can.
10. Failing to follow-up afterwards. Post-event follow-up is critical. However, don’t make the mistake of calling someone three months after a networking meeting and saying something like, “We met a few months ago and I thought I’d touch base with you.” This approach simply does not add any type of value to the relationship. Here two follow-up strategies to consider:
- When you meet a potential customer, arrange to contact them shortly after the event. Mark it in your calendar and make sure you contact them on the agreed-upon day and time.
- After you meet someone who is NOT a prospect, look for opportunities to refer business to them. You can also help them by sending articles or information related to their business.
Networking effectively can have a dramatic impact on your sales providing it is done correctly. Avoid these fatal networking mistakes and improve your results.
Get your FREE copy of 100 Ways to Increase Your Sales by subscribing to Kelley's free newsletter, "59 Seconds to Sales Success" at Kelley Robertson conducts sales training programs and speaks on sales at conferences and meetings. Contact him at 905-633-7750 or
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Pioneer Marketing For Small Business Owners
The hot new thing in big marketing these days is "relationship marketing." The truth is, that's not new at all. In this article, Sue talks about Pioneer Marketing and going back to business that is based on an immutable law of human nature.
By Sue Painter
When I was a kid living (briefly) in Oklahoma, one of my favorite times was the local “Pioneer Days.” Everyone dressed up in pioneer clothing, old Conestoga wagons were brought out of barns, and re-enactments of the early days of the town were carried out in the town square and at the fairgrounds. Everything was “old-timey“—the way it used to be. Some of the men would even grow their hair long and sport the old fashion handlebar mustache and side lamb chops.
I’m convinced that we are now in the pioneer days for marketing. If I’ve read one article about how push marketing doesn’t work anymore and that it is now all about building relationships with the consumer, I’ve read twenty. And every time I read one I shake my head and wonder why no one writes that this is back to marketing’s pioneer days. We now have “Pioneer Marketing.” It’s what our forebears did in every single city and town, and what the best and wisest businesses still do.
Pioneer Marketing (I think I just coined a new term) has one main tenet, and that tenet is infallible. It works every time because it is based on a law of human nature. What’s the law? “People respond positively and in a timely manner when they are treated with respect, courtesy, honesty, and in a way that has their best interests at heart.” That one law, rigidly adhered to, will win out every time. Your attention may be diverted by aggressive and shiny marketing for a while, but in the end you will go where that law of human nature is adhered to.
Simply put, our prospects and existing customers don’t want to be sold into a product or service that serves the seller and doesn’t serve the buyer. They are tired of push marketing coupled with shoddy goods and lacking customer service. And this is one huge reason that you, as an entrepreneur, have it over the big guys. The big guys have used push marketing, shoddy goods, and lacking customer service for so long that they are scrambling right now to turn huge, bloated, bureacratic businesses around to save their sales. Meanwhile, you and I can “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee,” meeting and forming relationships with our prospects, selling our expertise, servicing our customers, and making the transaction into a win-win rather than a win-lose. We have memorable and recognizable faces. Large, bloated businesses give you a new and usually non-caring face every time you walk in their door or buy from them online.
Family-owned businesses, solo professionals, and entrepreneurs can step up and capture market share right now. Most of us have a familiar face to our prospects and customers. Many of the big guys don’t, and now that they realize that, they are all about “relationship marketing,” thinking they have discovered a whole new world. It isn’t a whole new world at all, it’s the world that many small business owners never left, the one that our pioneer forebears lived in. Everyone knew the business owners up and down the street and how they treated customers. Everyone knew who to avoid and who to buy from. Business was good or bad depending on the business owner’s savvy and her ability to form and keep relationships. Reputation was everything, and was based on something real, not something manipulated by copious marketing.
People respond to Pioneer Marketing because it is in our human nature. We are wired for relationships. On the frontier, relationships and trust in others meant survival. In the marketplace, it means survival for you, the business owner. And it is coupled with a sense of trust and satisfaction in our customers, as well.
You don’t have to put on a pioneer costume or grow a mustache to use Pioneer Marketing. Just plaster that one law of human nature up where you can see it, and build your business from that place. Let your marketing, advertising, customer service, and sales be aligned with that law. Couple that with good business skills, and you are good to go. The next time you hear about the new “relationship marketing” just smile. You are already there. So hip, so pioneer. That’s you!
Sue Painter coaching mindset and marketing for solopreneurs. Check out her marketing tips at and on the YouTube channel confidentmarketer. Sue's marketing expertise and strong insight leads her clients to call her a marketing therapist. She can help you build your business from the inside out.
By Sue Painter
When I was a kid living (briefly) in Oklahoma, one of my favorite times was the local “Pioneer Days.” Everyone dressed up in pioneer clothing, old Conestoga wagons were brought out of barns, and re-enactments of the early days of the town were carried out in the town square and at the fairgrounds. Everything was “old-timey“—the way it used to be. Some of the men would even grow their hair long and sport the old fashion handlebar mustache and side lamb chops.
I’m convinced that we are now in the pioneer days for marketing. If I’ve read one article about how push marketing doesn’t work anymore and that it is now all about building relationships with the consumer, I’ve read twenty. And every time I read one I shake my head and wonder why no one writes that this is back to marketing’s pioneer days. We now have “Pioneer Marketing.” It’s what our forebears did in every single city and town, and what the best and wisest businesses still do.
Pioneer Marketing (I think I just coined a new term) has one main tenet, and that tenet is infallible. It works every time because it is based on a law of human nature. What’s the law? “People respond positively and in a timely manner when they are treated with respect, courtesy, honesty, and in a way that has their best interests at heart.” That one law, rigidly adhered to, will win out every time. Your attention may be diverted by aggressive and shiny marketing for a while, but in the end you will go where that law of human nature is adhered to.
Simply put, our prospects and existing customers don’t want to be sold into a product or service that serves the seller and doesn’t serve the buyer. They are tired of push marketing coupled with shoddy goods and lacking customer service. And this is one huge reason that you, as an entrepreneur, have it over the big guys. The big guys have used push marketing, shoddy goods, and lacking customer service for so long that they are scrambling right now to turn huge, bloated, bureacratic businesses around to save their sales. Meanwhile, you and I can “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee,” meeting and forming relationships with our prospects, selling our expertise, servicing our customers, and making the transaction into a win-win rather than a win-lose. We have memorable and recognizable faces. Large, bloated businesses give you a new and usually non-caring face every time you walk in their door or buy from them online.
Family-owned businesses, solo professionals, and entrepreneurs can step up and capture market share right now. Most of us have a familiar face to our prospects and customers. Many of the big guys don’t, and now that they realize that, they are all about “relationship marketing,” thinking they have discovered a whole new world. It isn’t a whole new world at all, it’s the world that many small business owners never left, the one that our pioneer forebears lived in. Everyone knew the business owners up and down the street and how they treated customers. Everyone knew who to avoid and who to buy from. Business was good or bad depending on the business owner’s savvy and her ability to form and keep relationships. Reputation was everything, and was based on something real, not something manipulated by copious marketing.
People respond to Pioneer Marketing because it is in our human nature. We are wired for relationships. On the frontier, relationships and trust in others meant survival. In the marketplace, it means survival for you, the business owner. And it is coupled with a sense of trust and satisfaction in our customers, as well.
You don’t have to put on a pioneer costume or grow a mustache to use Pioneer Marketing. Just plaster that one law of human nature up where you can see it, and build your business from that place. Let your marketing, advertising, customer service, and sales be aligned with that law. Couple that with good business skills, and you are good to go. The next time you hear about the new “relationship marketing” just smile. You are already there. So hip, so pioneer. That’s you!
Sue Painter coaching mindset and marketing for solopreneurs. Check out her marketing tips at and on the YouTube channel confidentmarketer. Sue's marketing expertise and strong insight leads her clients to call her a marketing therapist. She can help you build your business from the inside out.
relationship marketing,
small business
Monday, September 20, 2010
The One Strategy That Doesn't Get Said
There are many skills it takes to grow, sustain, and build a business. Everything from marketing, mindset, and math has to be in play to make real money and a real difference. All of the education, time, and money you have put into growing your business won't much matter if you don't embody this - tenacity!
By Suzanne Evans
Never give up. Never quit.
People always want to know how I did it and what the one big shift was that happened.
It’s simple.
I didn’t stop. I didn’t stop when:
* People said No.
* I ran out of money.
* I got tired.
* I went dry creatively.
* Someone hurt my feelings.
* Someone no showed.
* People discouraged me.
* I felt I wasn’t enough.
* I was told I wasn’t enough.
* The clients I did have left.
* No one new came.
* The car broke down.
* A family member died.
* I was confused.
* I was scared.
I didn’t stop.
The greatest business skill set you need is tenacity. All the other stuff just make this path easier. Tenacity makes the path possible.
Now, here’s what you do:
When the money runs out… Get a job! (I like to call it a business loan) Fund your dream...if you believe in it enough, find the income stream to support it.
When people leave… Find new people! Clients leave for a reason. They are often afraid of success and some leave because they are complete. Let them go, take a breath, and ASK - find new people to share your message. Don’t stop.
When you are scared… Go through it! The only way out is through. There is no magic pill. There is no step-by-step system for fear. When you do it it gets easier… when you build that muscle you get braver. Courage is a learned skill.
When you get tired… Ask for help! No man is an island. I didn’t build this alone and neither can you. You need to only work in your brilliance and delegate the rest.
When someone hurts your feelings… Remember who you are! I didn’t get in this business to make friends. I do this to make a difference. Not everyone will like me, my style, or my methods. There are other coaches for them. I know who I am.
When you feel you aren’t enough… Know the truth. You are a child of God. You are here to let your light shine and you are enough. If you are reading this email it means you believe in possibility. Share that possibility for it is love.
Tenacity. The only business skill you ever need to know.
Suzanne Evans is best known as the 'action expert' and has coached hundreds of solopreneurs to model her multiple six figure business. Learn how you can help more people, make more money and have more fun doing what you love by signing up for your free copy of the 5-Part Mini-Course 'Awakening Your Authentic Entrepreneur' at
By Suzanne Evans
Never give up. Never quit.
People always want to know how I did it and what the one big shift was that happened.
It’s simple.
I didn’t stop. I didn’t stop when:
* People said No.
* I ran out of money.
* I got tired.
* I went dry creatively.
* Someone hurt my feelings.
* Someone no showed.
* People discouraged me.
* I felt I wasn’t enough.
* I was told I wasn’t enough.
* The clients I did have left.
* No one new came.
* The car broke down.
* A family member died.
* I was confused.
* I was scared.
I didn’t stop.
The greatest business skill set you need is tenacity. All the other stuff just make this path easier. Tenacity makes the path possible.
Now, here’s what you do:
When the money runs out… Get a job! (I like to call it a business loan) Fund your dream...if you believe in it enough, find the income stream to support it.
When people leave… Find new people! Clients leave for a reason. They are often afraid of success and some leave because they are complete. Let them go, take a breath, and ASK - find new people to share your message. Don’t stop.
When you are scared… Go through it! The only way out is through. There is no magic pill. There is no step-by-step system for fear. When you do it it gets easier… when you build that muscle you get braver. Courage is a learned skill.
When you get tired… Ask for help! No man is an island. I didn’t build this alone and neither can you. You need to only work in your brilliance and delegate the rest.
When someone hurts your feelings… Remember who you are! I didn’t get in this business to make friends. I do this to make a difference. Not everyone will like me, my style, or my methods. There are other coaches for them. I know who I am.
When you feel you aren’t enough… Know the truth. You are a child of God. You are here to let your light shine and you are enough. If you are reading this email it means you believe in possibility. Share that possibility for it is love.
Tenacity. The only business skill you ever need to know.
Suzanne Evans is best known as the 'action expert' and has coached hundreds of solopreneurs to model her multiple six figure business. Learn how you can help more people, make more money and have more fun doing what you love by signing up for your free copy of the 5-Part Mini-Course 'Awakening Your Authentic Entrepreneur' at
authentic marketing,
Friday, September 17, 2010
Use The Law Of Attraction To Gain Self Confidence
If you feel that you are lacking self confidence you should take the step to learn how to use the law of attraction to help you overcome this problem. You will find that by just taking some time to consider what you need to address and then applying the law of attraction, your self confidence will increase, and you will restore your life back to what you would like it to be.
By Michael G Thompson
Do you consider that it is self confidence that you are lacking? If you do, then it is definitely time for you to stop for a short while and allow yourself time for you to think carefully about yourself. Utilize this a period of time you have given yourself to take a look carefully at everything and anything that relates to you as well as what you carry out in your life before you begin to use the power of the law of attraction. You simply must decide just what is actually taking place within your everyday life and come to a decision on just precisely what is actually working as well as what is not . You have to carefully consider the way you cope with tasks and life right now as well as how you believe you ought to deal with them in the future. Simply by using a little bit of time take into account everything you believe you ought to deal with and by making use of the power of the law of attraction, you are going to be on your path to improving your confidence.
When using the law of attraction you will start to discover your self confidence and identify a way to just accept yourself for what you are. You have got to take into account that you have numerous issues with yourself which you may or may not like, however you will need to get yourself to the particular position where by you acknowledge equally your own perfection and flaws. You’ll discover that there is really a tremendous amount to gain from the law of attraction and you will also realize that there is a lot that you will need to contribute to ensure that you achieve the self confidence that you desire.
To make use of the law of attraction in this instance you will need to consider yourself as well as your energy. Since the law of attraction is reliant upon energy you will need to improve yourself a little. The key factor is to manage to keep out the damaging negative energy and take hold of the positive energy. If you would like to find techniques to achieve this, begin with a Yoga class or perhaps try out a Pilate’s class. You will see an enormous change for better as you carry out these types of activities. There are many alternative techniques that will help you to relax and purge yourself of the negative energy. You may choose to experience a specialty massage that pin points your energy levels and it will be possible to clear up all of the undesirable negative energy that may be preventing your success and destroying your confidence. Another thing to consider would be acupuncture because it will unquestionably assist you to boost positive energy within your body as well as your mind.
Furthermore, by using the law of attraction you will have the ability to enable yourself to be your own personal life guide and you will discover ways to not permit other people to manipulate your life. You must learn to do things simply for yourself and you will find that the law of attraction is going to help you discover the self-confidence and the energy you feel you are lacking to be able to run your own life. The law of attraction will unquestionably help you in several ways to restore your life back to what you have decided you would like it to be. You will want to keep in mind that the energy that you have is very different when you take control of your own life.
Bear in mind that the law of attraction, although it will assist you to make the changes that you desire, you will most certainly need to spend some time to evaluate exactly what it is you want to achieve. If you do this you will find that the law of attraction will certainly help you. As a result of carrying out the process you will see that the empowering feelings that you will get will certainly provide you with a lot more self-confidence, having said that, you will have to focus on yourself and who you are to persevere your degree of self-confidence. Understand that the law of attraction is definitely not a joke, but it is something which must be considered very seriously in order for it to work for you properly.
Find out more about the Covenant of Timeless Wisdom and begin making use of the Law of Attraction to accomplish everything you desire from life. Well-being, Happiness, and Wealth can easily be yours as you discover how the Law of Attraction can work to suit your needs. For more information click
By Michael G Thompson
Do you consider that it is self confidence that you are lacking? If you do, then it is definitely time for you to stop for a short while and allow yourself time for you to think carefully about yourself. Utilize this a period of time you have given yourself to take a look carefully at everything and anything that relates to you as well as what you carry out in your life before you begin to use the power of the law of attraction. You simply must decide just what is actually taking place within your everyday life and come to a decision on just precisely what is actually working as well as what is not . You have to carefully consider the way you cope with tasks and life right now as well as how you believe you ought to deal with them in the future. Simply by using a little bit of time take into account everything you believe you ought to deal with and by making use of the power of the law of attraction, you are going to be on your path to improving your confidence.
When using the law of attraction you will start to discover your self confidence and identify a way to just accept yourself for what you are. You have got to take into account that you have numerous issues with yourself which you may or may not like, however you will need to get yourself to the particular position where by you acknowledge equally your own perfection and flaws. You’ll discover that there is really a tremendous amount to gain from the law of attraction and you will also realize that there is a lot that you will need to contribute to ensure that you achieve the self confidence that you desire.
To make use of the law of attraction in this instance you will need to consider yourself as well as your energy. Since the law of attraction is reliant upon energy you will need to improve yourself a little. The key factor is to manage to keep out the damaging negative energy and take hold of the positive energy. If you would like to find techniques to achieve this, begin with a Yoga class or perhaps try out a Pilate’s class. You will see an enormous change for better as you carry out these types of activities. There are many alternative techniques that will help you to relax and purge yourself of the negative energy. You may choose to experience a specialty massage that pin points your energy levels and it will be possible to clear up all of the undesirable negative energy that may be preventing your success and destroying your confidence. Another thing to consider would be acupuncture because it will unquestionably assist you to boost positive energy within your body as well as your mind.
Furthermore, by using the law of attraction you will have the ability to enable yourself to be your own personal life guide and you will discover ways to not permit other people to manipulate your life. You must learn to do things simply for yourself and you will find that the law of attraction is going to help you discover the self-confidence and the energy you feel you are lacking to be able to run your own life. The law of attraction will unquestionably help you in several ways to restore your life back to what you have decided you would like it to be. You will want to keep in mind that the energy that you have is very different when you take control of your own life.
Bear in mind that the law of attraction, although it will assist you to make the changes that you desire, you will most certainly need to spend some time to evaluate exactly what it is you want to achieve. If you do this you will find that the law of attraction will certainly help you. As a result of carrying out the process you will see that the empowering feelings that you will get will certainly provide you with a lot more self-confidence, having said that, you will have to focus on yourself and who you are to persevere your degree of self-confidence. Understand that the law of attraction is definitely not a joke, but it is something which must be considered very seriously in order for it to work for you properly.
Find out more about the Covenant of Timeless Wisdom and begin making use of the Law of Attraction to accomplish everything you desire from life. Well-being, Happiness, and Wealth can easily be yours as you discover how the Law of Attraction can work to suit your needs. For more information click
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Your Client Attraction Secret: Speaking!
How you can create comfortable and interactive speaking engagements that attract clients!
By Chris Makell
I won’t go into all of the strategies and facts on speaking and how it’s the thing people least like to do even more than dying. Or, how it’s just too hard and nerve racking to do. You’ve heard it all.
I will say that how you approach speaking will either make this true for you or not. I have spent many years in corporate, delivering presentations to as few as one senior vice president to a group of 50+. No matter how well I knew every word and bullet on my transparency, or foil (remember those?), slide or PowerPoint, it was not always an easy thing to do. I was nervous, every time. Because this was something I wanted to be better at, I’ve taken fabulous presentation courses and improved my delivery as a result. It’s created more confidence and less nervousness.
Now that I’m leading my own business, speaking for me is, very, very different. No longer do I need to convince someone that I know what I’m talking about and that my recommendations will help them have better results. I have the opportunity to take a much different approach. And I guarantee you that if you add these simple strategies to your speaking toolkit, you’ll achieve the client attraction success I have experienced.
Strategy #1: Approach the presentation with a desire to share your knowledge
Ever wonder why teachers don’t get nervous each day in front of the classroom. I’m sure some do that first day… Though I don’t know this for a fact, I do know that having a desire to help others learn can erase that nervousness and give you the passionate energy that all great speakers thrive on. When you’re putting together your presentation, ask yourself what am I teaching my audience? How can I help them achieve success from what I’m about to share? Just using this approach will shape the tone and texture of your presentation and build your passionate (not nervous) energy!
Strategy #2: Select a topic that will be of interest to your specific audience
So that means you can’t use a “canned” presentation. You have to demonstrate your ability to connect with an audience where they are. As a result they’ll see that you are able to address their specific client challenges.
Strategy #3: Put your audience to work!
Use handouts that keep them on track with your presentation and that requires them to take notes so that they are active and learning during your presentation. Ask your audience what they got from the presentation at the end, to deepen the learning and keep them connected to you.
Strategy #4: Create a way to “stay connected”
Bring your business cards, sign up sheet for your newsletter, brochure, announcement of an upcoming event you’re hosting, etc. Give the audience a way to stay connected to you after your fabulous presentation!
Using these simple strategies will make you and your business more “client attractive”. And you’ll get an incredible rush from sharing your knowledge, expertise and passionate energy!
Break a leg and get a client!
Chris Makell helps coaches, consultants, and other solopreneurs who want to live their life's purpose transition smoothly from unfulfilled full-time employees to successful full-time entrepreneurs. To learn how to make more money doing what you love, visit to claim your free special report, "7 Surefire Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Time and Marketing Dollar."
By Chris Makell
I won’t go into all of the strategies and facts on speaking and how it’s the thing people least like to do even more than dying. Or, how it’s just too hard and nerve racking to do. You’ve heard it all.
I will say that how you approach speaking will either make this true for you or not. I have spent many years in corporate, delivering presentations to as few as one senior vice president to a group of 50+. No matter how well I knew every word and bullet on my transparency, or foil (remember those?), slide or PowerPoint, it was not always an easy thing to do. I was nervous, every time. Because this was something I wanted to be better at, I’ve taken fabulous presentation courses and improved my delivery as a result. It’s created more confidence and less nervousness.
Now that I’m leading my own business, speaking for me is, very, very different. No longer do I need to convince someone that I know what I’m talking about and that my recommendations will help them have better results. I have the opportunity to take a much different approach. And I guarantee you that if you add these simple strategies to your speaking toolkit, you’ll achieve the client attraction success I have experienced.
Strategy #1: Approach the presentation with a desire to share your knowledge
Ever wonder why teachers don’t get nervous each day in front of the classroom. I’m sure some do that first day… Though I don’t know this for a fact, I do know that having a desire to help others learn can erase that nervousness and give you the passionate energy that all great speakers thrive on. When you’re putting together your presentation, ask yourself what am I teaching my audience? How can I help them achieve success from what I’m about to share? Just using this approach will shape the tone and texture of your presentation and build your passionate (not nervous) energy!
Strategy #2: Select a topic that will be of interest to your specific audience
So that means you can’t use a “canned” presentation. You have to demonstrate your ability to connect with an audience where they are. As a result they’ll see that you are able to address their specific client challenges.
Strategy #3: Put your audience to work!
Use handouts that keep them on track with your presentation and that requires them to take notes so that they are active and learning during your presentation. Ask your audience what they got from the presentation at the end, to deepen the learning and keep them connected to you.
Strategy #4: Create a way to “stay connected”
Bring your business cards, sign up sheet for your newsletter, brochure, announcement of an upcoming event you’re hosting, etc. Give the audience a way to stay connected to you after your fabulous presentation!
Using these simple strategies will make you and your business more “client attractive”. And you’ll get an incredible rush from sharing your knowledge, expertise and passionate energy!
Break a leg and get a client!
Chris Makell helps coaches, consultants, and other solopreneurs who want to live their life's purpose transition smoothly from unfulfilled full-time employees to successful full-time entrepreneurs. To learn how to make more money doing what you love, visit to claim your free special report, "7 Surefire Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Time and Marketing Dollar."
small business,
time management
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Social Media Marketing Age Has Arrived
Social media gives the strategic marketer a veritable treasure trove worth of tools to make use of. While many people think of social media just being made up of website such as Facebook and Twitter, the full-range of the spectrum proves that there are hundreds of options for the social media marketer to take advantage of.
By Steve Duval
Marketing is an industry that changes drastically as every year goes by. Over the course of the past few years, the industry has seen a shift like it hasn’t seen since its inception. The advent of the Internet certainly shook the world, but it took the introduction of social media to really blow the roof off. Social media has changed the way many people live their lives, and has certainly changed marketing to a drastic degree. One thing is for sure, and that is if you aren’t involved in social media marketing, your business may very well be doomed. Welcome to the next generation.
Many people wonder what the term “social media” really means. After all, it is a fairly loose, catchall umbrella term. While this may bear some truth, it should not work to underestimate social media’s importance. In general, social media is thought to be any virtual platform that allows the user to take control and actually broadcast about his or her life. Whether the reason behind this is that people love to talk about themselves or that people love to hear others talk about themselves (it’s probably a combination of both), social media is here to stay. Ignoring the trend is no different than ignoring the automobile; we’re not going back in time in the near future.
Social media gives the strategic marketer a veritable treasure trove worth of tools to make use of. While many people think of social media just being made up of website such as Facebook and Twitter, the full-range of the spectrum proves that there are hundreds of options for the social media marketer to take advantage of. Take blogging, for instance. Many people view blogs as being sources of either hard fact or personal accounts, and don’t take into account the fact that blogging can be used to promote products & services. A smart company will have an interesting, accessible blog, as this will heighten the interest of the consumer. Learning to use blogging technology can take your business to levels unforeseen.
While blogging is useful, there’s a reason why sites like Facebook and Twitter define social media - they’re extremely popular, and each holds millions of members that are all targets for various forms of marketing. Sure, posting banner ads on Facebook will likely get your website more traffic and may even help to increase business. The real potential, however, is setting up a Facebook page devoted to your products or services. As with blogging, you’ll want your Facebook page to be attractive and interesting to read, complete with pictures and commentary.
Have you ever considered how effective a simple tweet about a new product you’ve released can be? Many people don’t even think about how useful Twitter can be to a marketing campaign. The bottom line is that Twitter’s popularity is higher than it has ever been, and making use of the service for marketing can be very effective.
Start using social media today and watch business increase!
Steve Duval is an internet entrepreneur who is showing others the many ways of making money online today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to earn money online
By Steve Duval
Marketing is an industry that changes drastically as every year goes by. Over the course of the past few years, the industry has seen a shift like it hasn’t seen since its inception. The advent of the Internet certainly shook the world, but it took the introduction of social media to really blow the roof off. Social media has changed the way many people live their lives, and has certainly changed marketing to a drastic degree. One thing is for sure, and that is if you aren’t involved in social media marketing, your business may very well be doomed. Welcome to the next generation.
Many people wonder what the term “social media” really means. After all, it is a fairly loose, catchall umbrella term. While this may bear some truth, it should not work to underestimate social media’s importance. In general, social media is thought to be any virtual platform that allows the user to take control and actually broadcast about his or her life. Whether the reason behind this is that people love to talk about themselves or that people love to hear others talk about themselves (it’s probably a combination of both), social media is here to stay. Ignoring the trend is no different than ignoring the automobile; we’re not going back in time in the near future.
Social media gives the strategic marketer a veritable treasure trove worth of tools to make use of. While many people think of social media just being made up of website such as Facebook and Twitter, the full-range of the spectrum proves that there are hundreds of options for the social media marketer to take advantage of. Take blogging, for instance. Many people view blogs as being sources of either hard fact or personal accounts, and don’t take into account the fact that blogging can be used to promote products & services. A smart company will have an interesting, accessible blog, as this will heighten the interest of the consumer. Learning to use blogging technology can take your business to levels unforeseen.
While blogging is useful, there’s a reason why sites like Facebook and Twitter define social media - they’re extremely popular, and each holds millions of members that are all targets for various forms of marketing. Sure, posting banner ads on Facebook will likely get your website more traffic and may even help to increase business. The real potential, however, is setting up a Facebook page devoted to your products or services. As with blogging, you’ll want your Facebook page to be attractive and interesting to read, complete with pictures and commentary.
Have you ever considered how effective a simple tweet about a new product you’ve released can be? Many people don’t even think about how useful Twitter can be to a marketing campaign. The bottom line is that Twitter’s popularity is higher than it has ever been, and making use of the service for marketing can be very effective.
Start using social media today and watch business increase!
Steve Duval is an internet entrepreneur who is showing others the many ways of making money online today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to earn money online
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Promotional Products Get Your Logo Seen
Promotional products like pens, hats, mugs and water bottles, are better than traditional advertising because they can be targeted to a specific audience. Also, people tend to keep most promotional products for about a year, which means your corporate logo will be seen more often for less money.
By Julie Austin
Copyright (c) 2010 Julie Austin
Promotional products are usually useful and unique things that most people would use anyway. If they have a corporate logo on them then more people see the logo.
With promotional products you know which people got them because you control the distribution. An ad might not always get to the audience you’re targeting. Your customers will be more likely to keep your promotional product around if it’s something they would use anyway.
Your customers will remember your name if they see it on a product that you give them. Think about how many times you’ve worn a T-shirt or hat that has a company’s logo on it. The more you see a logo on a promotional product, the more likely you are to remember the name of the company. Advertising will also get you to remember a corporation’s name, but it’s much, much more expensive to have to constantly advertise. A promotional product does the same thing for a fraction of the price.
Over 50% of people keep their promotional products for over a year. Your logo is being seen over and over again. The more it’s seen, the less the actual cost is to you in the long run.
Choose promotional products that have long-lasting value and are products your customers would be interested in. Imprinted golf balls or golf bags would be a good thing to give to your customers who are golfers. Whenever they use the printed golf balls they will remember you fondly. People who are coffee drinkers would use a mug every day, and if it has your logo on it they will be seeing your logo constantly. Calendars with your name on it are a good product to give customers because they will keep it around for at least a year.
Offer your customers unique promotional products that they wouldn’t be able to find themselves. Something unusual and useful will stand out in their mind and they will associate your company name with it. It’s more likely that customers who receive promotional products will place bigger orders.
Promotional products allow you to target your advertising to a specific group for less money.
Julie Austin is the inventor of swiggies, wrist water bottles for runners. They are hands-free, hold 11 ounces of water or sports drink, and can also be frozen to lower body temperature.
By Julie Austin
Copyright (c) 2010 Julie Austin
Promotional products are usually useful and unique things that most people would use anyway. If they have a corporate logo on them then more people see the logo.
With promotional products you know which people got them because you control the distribution. An ad might not always get to the audience you’re targeting. Your customers will be more likely to keep your promotional product around if it’s something they would use anyway.
Your customers will remember your name if they see it on a product that you give them. Think about how many times you’ve worn a T-shirt or hat that has a company’s logo on it. The more you see a logo on a promotional product, the more likely you are to remember the name of the company. Advertising will also get you to remember a corporation’s name, but it’s much, much more expensive to have to constantly advertise. A promotional product does the same thing for a fraction of the price.
Over 50% of people keep their promotional products for over a year. Your logo is being seen over and over again. The more it’s seen, the less the actual cost is to you in the long run.
Choose promotional products that have long-lasting value and are products your customers would be interested in. Imprinted golf balls or golf bags would be a good thing to give to your customers who are golfers. Whenever they use the printed golf balls they will remember you fondly. People who are coffee drinkers would use a mug every day, and if it has your logo on it they will be seeing your logo constantly. Calendars with your name on it are a good product to give customers because they will keep it around for at least a year.
Offer your customers unique promotional products that they wouldn’t be able to find themselves. Something unusual and useful will stand out in their mind and they will associate your company name with it. It’s more likely that customers who receive promotional products will place bigger orders.
Promotional products allow you to target your advertising to a specific group for less money.
Julie Austin is the inventor of swiggies, wrist water bottles for runners. They are hands-free, hold 11 ounces of water or sports drink, and can also be frozen to lower body temperature.
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